As part of my new incentive for this website, I want to meet my readers and followers and I would love to share stories on travelling through Poland (and beyond). I am Jonny – Northern Irishman in Poland,- Północno Irlandczyk w Polsce. Come and meet me!
To meet me, I am available to meet up for a coffee or a beer. I also want to visit remote and less touristic parts of Poland, so you can invite me to your villages and towns for a night, and I will come and dine with you and write about your towns. Every month during 2017 I am doing a Reader Vote to send me to different towns and cities.
I also like to do radio interviews, newspaper features and attend local football matches. I have worked with lots of Polish companies and global media in my years as a tourist, writer, PR rep and journalist.
Watching Lechia Gdansk v. Lech Poznan
Simply get in touch below.
Jonny Blair (December 2016)
Here are a few other ways to connect with me:
– E-mail me jonnyscottblair (at) hotmail (dot) com or jonny (at) dontstopliving (dot) net
– Like Northern Irishman in Poland on Facebook
– Subscribe to Northern Irishman in Poland videos on YouTube
– StumbleUpon Northern Irishman in Poland
– Follow Northern Irishman in Poland on Instagram
– Follow Northern Irishman in Poland on Twitter
– Get Northern Irishman in Poland on GooglePlus