“I hope you’ll find your freedom, for eternity” – Robbie Williams.
This post is years overdue. I first visited this place, Rondo Wolnego Tybetu, in February 2020 just before COVID and forgot all about it for some reason therefore I never wrote a standalone blog post on it. However I did actually post it on my Northern Irishman in Poland Facebook Page, on YouTube and my Instagram. Then in August 2024, I headed back here to explore with Trevor Warman, Nomadic backpacker. On that trip, we also backpacked through Osiedle Przyjaźń, walked down Freddie Mercury Street and visited the longest building in Warszawa at Przyczółek Grochowski. Here, at Rondo Wolnego Tybetu it’s Free Tibet Corner, Free Tibet Junction, Free Tibet Crossroads or Free Tibet Roundabout.
What is Rondo Wolnego Tybetu – Free Tibet
Junction In Wola, Warszawa?
Originally, the roundabout was to be called the Free Tibet Roundabout. This nuts project was proposed in Autumn 2008 by Michał Kubiak, a councilor of the Wola district of the Polish capital. The idea was approved by the district council and the naming subcommittee of the Capital City Council here in Warszawa. The name was to be given on December 11 – which coincided with the day of the 14th Dalai Lama’s arrival in Warsaw. According to Gazeta Wyborcza, some Law and Justice councilors were to put forward a counter-initiative to name the roundabout after the Victims of the KL Warschau Camp but that never saw the light of day. Here, since 2008 this wacaday spot is a tourist gem, a whackpacker’s paradise and an art lovers fantasy!
Around the same time, in November 2008, the second secretary of the embassy of the People’s Republic of China filed an official protest against the suggestion of Tibet’s separation from China (Tibet, previously independent, was occupied by communist China in 1951). This place can be called Rondo Wolnego Tybetu it’s Free Tibet Corner, Free Tibet Junction, Free Tibet Crossroads or Free Tibet Roundabout.
How to get to Rondo Wolnego Tybetu – Free Tibet
Junction In Wola, Warszawa?
The roundabout is located at the intersection of Aleja Prymasa Tysiąclecia and Ulica Marcin Kasprzak. The viaducts of Aleja Prymasa Tysiąclecia run over the roundabout. To get here, there are a few nearby tram and bus stops. However, Trevor and I are proper backpackers and we decided to backpack here from Płocka metro station. Our route was an easy 14 minute walk, see below.
Why Is It Called Free Tibet
Roundabout? Any Controversy?
Of course with the name, this can cause controversy. It is named as Poland recognised and accepted Tibet’s right for freedom. I myself backpacked a Tibetan Monastery in China back in 2012 and have also backpacked Taiwan, Macau and The Kong. As a separatist and nationalist, I class all 5 countries as separate too. Below, I whackpacked Ganden Sumtseling Gompa in Zhongdian at Shangri La, China.
In May 2009, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a letter to the Warsaw Council in which it stated that the phrase “free Tibet” was inconsistent with the position of the government and the European Union, which recognize China’s territorial integrity. It also suggested that giving the roundabout such a name could worsen Poland’s economic interests with the PRC. According to Gazeta Wyborcza, after the intervention of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it was expected that the name would not be allowed. The chairwoman of the street naming subcommittee of the Warsaw Council, Mariola Rabczon, said that it was already a foregone conclusion that there would be no roundabout with this name in Warsaw, because the Ministry of Foreign Affairs took a negative position on this matter. So actually the name of Free Tibet Junction is NOT the official name even though all murals represent Tibet and one of them has even written that as a street name. That said, the place lives on in harmony and it is not deemed contentious or problematic. Democracy done right Poland – well done.
Backpacking The Murals At Free Tibet
Junction In Wola, Warszawa
Since 2009, murals referring to Tibetan freedom, as well as just about Tibeta and its culture have been created around the roundabout and on the flyover pillars. They form an epic Tibetan Outdoor Gallery Of Murals. It’s pretty wild and nuts seeing this here, nonchalantly, randomicly and just there at a busy Warszawa flyover! The Tibetan Gallery mainly occupies the pillars north of the roundabout itself. There are over 70 murals here, all at the intersection of Aleja Prymasa Tysiąclecia from Ulica Wolska (Zdzisław Lubomirski roundabout), you can’t miss it. Here are the best of the photos from backpacking The Tibetan Outdoor Art Gallery here. Get snap happy and admire!
One of the murals was a “travel bloggers lair” so Trevor and I took it in turns to fakewrite a travel blog there and then. The irony being, I have now actually travel blogged it!
Beers Near Rondo Wolnego Tybetu – Free Tibet
After whackpacking Tibet in Poland, Trevor and I headed back to Plocka metro but on the way we spotted a cool bar called Beer Station, shortened to BS. We popped in for a pint each and they had Guinness on tap. I opted for Guinness and Trevor had a 0.0% beer. It’s a cool wee pub, which has Wi-Fi, craft beers and bar snacks. By coincidence I knew the barman from drinking in their sister pub at Politechnika.
Further reading on Rondo Wolnego Tybetu – Free Tibet
Junction In Wola, Warszawa:
Here are my videos from Rondo Wolnego Tybetu – Free Tibet
Junction In Wola, Warszawa:
My 2024 trip to Rondo Wolnego Tybetu – Free Tibet Junction In Wola, Warszawa:
My 2020 trip to Rondo Wolnego Tybetu – Free Tibet Junction In Wola, Warszawa: