Dziwaczne Odkrycia: Top 40 Debated Countries or Regions I Have Backpacked Through

“Here’s a little agit for the never believer, yeah yeah yeah yeah” – Michael Stipe. On my travels around the world where I have so far swallowed 2 centuries worth of “countries” (223 on my own count, a bit less on those who go by global brown rearexit worshipping institutions such as FIFA, UEFA, EU, Read more about Dziwaczne Odkrycia: Top 40 Debated Countries or Regions I Have Backpacked Through[…]

Dziwaczne Odkrycia: Getting My Willy Out on the Nudist Beach at Lubiewo, Międzyzdroje

Dziwaczne Odkrycia: Getting My Willy🍌Out🙈on the Nudist Beach🏖️at Lubiewo, Międzyzdroje🔞

“I can’t seem to stop my imagination” – Louise Nurding (Naked). ** Reader warning – article may contain footage of nudity and partial willy sightings. In the days before Northern Irishman in Poland was born, I enjoyed nude moments on my travels, exposing my willy on every continent, as freedom is something I crave and nudity Read more about Dziwaczne Odkrycia: Getting My Willy🍌Out🙈on the Nudist Beach🏖️at Lubiewo, Międzyzdroje🔞[…]

Dziwaczne Odkrycia: Watching Wyspa (The Tempest), An Outdoor Musical Shakespeare Performance in Nowe Miasto, Warszawa

“Thought is free”― William Shakespeare, The Tempest (Wyspa). You might have read recently that I am back studying Polish (for the second time). Having spent 3 months learning Polish in Gdańsk in 2016, I recently got back into it after long periods of depression. I was so grateful to be at Klub Dialogu in Warszawa’s Read more about Dziwaczne Odkrycia: Watching Wyspa (The Tempest), An Outdoor Musical Shakespeare Performance in Nowe Miasto, Warszawa[…]

Dziwaczne Odkrycia: My Favourite Polish Song, the Sombreness of “Jeśli Tylko Chcesz”

“Bo bez ciebie nie ma nic, z tobą jedną mogę być, jeśli tylko chcesz” – Borysewicz & Kukiz. (because without you, there’s nothing, with you I can be, if you only want). As I hit the year mark this week of living in Poland, it’s an odd milestone on my ridiculous journey. I don’t feel any Read more about Dziwaczne Odkrycia: My Favourite Polish Song, the Sombreness of “Jeśli Tylko Chcesz”[…]

One Year in Poland: Leaving the Past Behind, Heading to Częstochowa, Getting Naked at Międzyzdroje and My Return to Gdańsk, Gdynia and Poznań

“You’ll never change what’s been and gone” – Noel Gallagher. Dzien dobry! Czesc! Hello! Bout ye! This is a sincere 6 month update, halfway through my toughest year in life so far. July and August are going to be VERY busy months in my new life in Poland so I thought I’d give you all Read more about One Year in Poland: Leaving the Past Behind, Heading to Częstochowa, Getting Naked at Międzyzdroje and My Return to Gdańsk, Gdynia and Poznań[…]

Dziwaczne Odkrycia: A Night Out at the Orchestra with Sinfonia Iuventus At Wierzbno, Warszawa

“Man of the match” – Lee Adams. My adventures in Poland continue take on a crazy theme, with an endless list of invites to parties, events, shows etc. As my first year of living in Poland almost arrives (3rd July will be my year anniversary), I could easily concoct about 50 stories like this one, Read more about Dziwaczne Odkrycia: A Night Out at the Orchestra with Sinfonia Iuventus At Wierzbno, Warszawa[…]

The Official Flag of Krolestwo Dreamlandu

Dziwaczne Odkrycia: Touring the Obscure Polish Micronation Królestwo Dreamlandu

So for those of you reading who are new to my life, my world, my blog and my long standing travel blogging “career”, which was born and died on you may not be aware that I don’t really enjoy backpacking the popular tourist resorts. I prefer off the wall stuff – wacky republics like Read more about Dziwaczne Odkrycia: Touring the Obscure Polish Micronation Królestwo Dreamlandu[…]

June 2017 Poll: Control My Destiny – What Crazy Activity Should Jonny (NI Man in Poland) Do Next?

I recently did an indoor sky dive in Warsaw and backpacked through an unknown country called Krolestwo Dreamlandu, formed in Gdynia, I love partaking in crazy things on my journeys. As you might have read, it is my quest and dream to visit all 20 of these regions in Poland by the 31st December 2017: Read more about June 2017 Poll: Control My Destiny – What Crazy Activity Should Jonny (NI Man in Poland) Do Next?[…]

Dziwaczne Odkrycia: My Intensive Polish Course at Learn Polish in Gdańsk

Dziwaczne Odkrycia: My Intensive Polish Course at Learn Polish in Gdańsk

“In the beginning, when we were winning, when the smiles were genuine” – Manic Street Preachers. It’s been ages since I moved to Poland, (10 months!!) and I still believe that we are all perpetual students until the day we die. We are always learning, always studying. We are forever on a learning cycle on Read more about Dziwaczne Odkrycia: My Intensive Polish Course at Learn Polish in Gdańsk[…]

Dziwaczne Odkrycia: Indoor Sky Diving With Tinggly at Flyspot, Mory, Warszawa

“I get so high, I just can’t feel it” – Noel Gallagher. Recently I decided to experience something new, fun and exciting in Warszawa, Poland especially for my Dziwaczne Odkrycia series. I went Indoor Sky Diving with Tinggly and Flyspot! You might have read my preview post, and now I bring you an overview of Read more about Dziwaczne Odkrycia: Indoor Sky Diving With Tinggly at Flyspot, Mory, Warszawa[…]